Friday, September 28, 2012

New Job, New Updates

My last post was sometime back in June. My last day working for LCSS was on July 3rd. I spent a few days on vacation at the beach and then began a new job as Technology Officer for Flint Community Bank on July 9th. I'm thankful to God for the opportunity but do miss my coworkers. I'm doing the same job as I did with the school. The only difference is the working budget and urgency of most of the tasks. These days, banks never sleep and everything must remain in working order one way or the other.

My day is longer by an hour now and I have to drive to pick up one of my daughters each day which puts me getting home around 5:45 or so. My routine with running and riding has changed along with my eating habits. I've made some adjustments recently and gotten back out on my bike and running more but still a long way from where I was.

The big thing happening right now is that I'm getting ready for 3 Gap this weekend in Dahlonega. 3 Gap is a 58 mile road ride through three of the mountain gaps in north Georgia. It's one of the toughest rides around but also the funnest as you can reach speeds over 40mph coming down some of the hills. I will end up posting pics from this trip. I wish I had taken pics last year. Last year was my first year and my buddy and I have determined to make this an annual event for us.

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