Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I'm Too Tired to Rest

I'm so very tired today and I'm sure I know why. I get into phases where I get out and go running for a few miles each night. I got out last night and ran about 3.5 miles and then did some 200 meter sprints up and down my road til I nearly hurled.
I've began to realize that at 34 years of age, that you don't recover nearly so easily. Heck, if I don't get to bed by 10 or so, then I may be a wreck the next day. All of this is tough considering my summer workload. Read the first blog about that. I've got 4 week left in this summer and my team and I have to completely wire a new school for network and projectors and get computers in place. That sounds like plenty of time but there are many details once the labor is over.
If someone offered me a job for six digits a year, then I would have to consider it.

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