Monday, April 30, 2012

NFC Training Update #4

It was a great week. I had two vacation days so I got a lot done at the house. The big event was Athens Twilight this past weekend. We stayed in Jefferson with family and I drove down to Athens early Saturday morning for the 5K run and 50K Gambler Ride. I started out the ride surrounded by about 8 fellow PCP members. I knew I would see people from Albany but hadn't planned to ride with anyone specific.

The ride was tougher than normal, due to the hills obviously. In Albany, that ride would have been about 30 minutes shorter. There were parts of it that felt like Dahlonega but it was all beautiful. I wrapped up Sunday with an eight mile run.

Monday, April 23, 2012

NFC Training Update #3 4/23/12

My weight was roughly the same over the past week. I stayed at 197. I would prefer to be in the 180s at race time but I'm not going to sacrifice calories at this point.

This past week I had four runs for 25.1 miles and one ride for 31.9 miles. After not running last Sunday, I decided to run my normal neighborhood route of 4.4 miles on Tuesday. My Wednesday short run was normal other than the deer I saw at a very close range. Thursday I did the coffee ride and it was at a comfortable average pace of 18.5mph.

My Saturday long run for this week was 12 miles. I used Google Maps to find a loop near my house and it worked out quite well. Two of the 12 miles was on a dirt road and it turned out to be a great run. I left the house at 7:30am to ensure I didn't get too hot. This was my first run with my hydration pack and Clif Shot Blocks. I ate two shot bloks every 40 minutes and the run was great. I nearly drank 2 liters over that run and never got tired, thirsty, or weak feeling. It's the best I have ever felt on a long run. I was successful in making myself slow down and run a more comfortable pace which is something I've had a hard time doing in the past. I purposely walked two hills and ended up at a 10:30/pace. I finished strong on the last mile so I know I have more in the tank.

Yesterday's recovery run was 6 miles which I ran on the Chehaw trail. Josh and I ran an easy pace and I was feeling Saturday's run for sure. It was good to run on the trail in that tired state as it is a good simulation for what is to come.

This coming weekend is Athens Twilight that will bring a 5K run and a 50K ride. That will take the place of my 14 mile run.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Gearing Up For the Weekend Run

It's been a great week so far and feeling good with my running and my choices in my diet. This weekend adds another two miles to Saturday's long run bringing it to a 12 miler. I've had some good luck in the route. I used Google Maps to chart out a loop ( I also got my Nathan's X-Ceed hydration vest in the mail this week and ready to try it out. It holds 2 liters of water in the back and has a pocket in the front that will hold gels and/or food.

Next weekend is Athens Twilight so I will miss my 14 miler and be back the following weekend for the 16 miler. For the 16, I have modified the above loop to add on the 4 extra miles.

What I'm looking for this weekend- 1) my ability to slow the pace down and possibly mix in some fast walking. It may not be necessary to walk but I need to start mixing some in since I know it will happen on the 50 miler. 2) eating and drinking while I run and what effects will come from that 3) follow up 6 mile run on Sunday

Nathan's X-Ceed 2L

Monday, April 16, 2012

NFC Training Update #2 4/16/12

Apparently one recording was too much for my computer mic so no video log today.

Weight as of this morning was 197.4 for a loss of 2.6lbs.

Ran 8 miles last Sunday, 2 on Tuesday at a 7:55min pace, 2 on Wednesday, rode 31 miles on the bike Thursday with a group at 18.64mph average, ran 10 miles Saturday at 9min pace, and kayaked on Sunday instead of running the 5 miler.

Nothing to note on the 2 milers. The bike ride was with a B group that rode a little faster than what I was ready for I guess. The average is in the 18s but the group would hit highs of 25 at times and it was tough taking over to lead as I felt like I had nothing in the tank. I was exhausted at the end of that ride. The run on Saturday was okay. I waited until after 9am to go out and that was a mistake as it got hot pretty quick. Next Saturday I will run closer to 7am so I don't overheat. My hydration vest should be in and I can run any route I want without worrying about having water or food.

This week will pretty much be the same with the 2/2/2 mid week runs but may ride again on Thursday. Saturday long runs will be tougher each week. Ideally, I need to get use to eating and drinking a little while running so I can keep going and maintain a pace. I also need to slow it down a bit so I don't go out too fast.

The good thing from the week was pushing a little harder on things to be uncomfortable. Two of the runs were faster than necessary and the bike ride was tough but all good training and preparation for a long ultra.

Monday, April 9, 2012

North Face Challenge, Pine Mtn, GA 50K 2012

I'll start posting once a week updates on my training for the North Face Challenge Atlanta. (

Hopefully I will get through training without injury and complete the race. I'll be talking about my training and updates on my weight and health.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Latest Challenge

I'm preparing right now to go run 8 miles with a friend. With the successful completion of that 8 miles, I will kick off my training for my first 50k that will take place in October at Pine Mountain, GA. Barring any injuries, I will get through all of my training and my longest runs (28 miles) and be ready for that race in October.

More to come.