Monday, April 23, 2012

NFC Training Update #3 4/23/12

My weight was roughly the same over the past week. I stayed at 197. I would prefer to be in the 180s at race time but I'm not going to sacrifice calories at this point.

This past week I had four runs for 25.1 miles and one ride for 31.9 miles. After not running last Sunday, I decided to run my normal neighborhood route of 4.4 miles on Tuesday. My Wednesday short run was normal other than the deer I saw at a very close range. Thursday I did the coffee ride and it was at a comfortable average pace of 18.5mph.

My Saturday long run for this week was 12 miles. I used Google Maps to find a loop near my house and it worked out quite well. Two of the 12 miles was on a dirt road and it turned out to be a great run. I left the house at 7:30am to ensure I didn't get too hot. This was my first run with my hydration pack and Clif Shot Blocks. I ate two shot bloks every 40 minutes and the run was great. I nearly drank 2 liters over that run and never got tired, thirsty, or weak feeling. It's the best I have ever felt on a long run. I was successful in making myself slow down and run a more comfortable pace which is something I've had a hard time doing in the past. I purposely walked two hills and ended up at a 10:30/pace. I finished strong on the last mile so I know I have more in the tank.

Yesterday's recovery run was 6 miles which I ran on the Chehaw trail. Josh and I ran an easy pace and I was feeling Saturday's run for sure. It was good to run on the trail in that tired state as it is a good simulation for what is to come.

This coming weekend is Athens Twilight that will bring a 5K run and a 50K ride. That will take the place of my 14 mile run.

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