Monday, May 28, 2012

NFC Training Update #8- Memorial Day

Today's update is from the comfort of home in front of the iMac. Happy Memorial Day!!

Below is a screenshot of today's ride.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday Post- Hopeful & Humbled

Another fine week has gone by and school is now out in Lee County. I'm back to riding solo in to Leesburg since my daughter is off for summer. Another big weekend is planned with a 20 miler on deck. I'm still riding off of my enthusiasm from last weekends 18 miler and feeling good about my prospects for the morning.

Thursday's run, like last Thursday's run, was again humbling. Because of time constraints I went out at 5pm for a six mile run. This was a mistake. I took something to drink but with the temp in the 90s, it was a very tough run and I was cooked. I ended up with 9:04min/miles but I had to take a cold shower and drink 32 ounces of water before I felt normal again. Running in that heat was exhausting and I could feel the sun sucking the moisture out of my body. You could feel yourself running through the waves of heat and humidity. My feet were so heavy that had a snake crossed the road in front of me, I may have tripped over it. It was a beat down.

On a brighter note, today is my rest day before tomorrows big run. I'm looking forward to it and being mentally prepared for a long run is more important at this point for me. Physically, I know I can hold up and will be well hydrated. Negative thoughts or an non supportive family can kill your drive and make you question yourself and your reasons for training. My good thought for tomorrow is me at the end of the run, making the final turn back on to my street and entering my driveway, tapping my finger on my phone to end the GPS capture of my run, and knowing that I'm done for the day.

Monday, May 21, 2012

NFC Training Update #7

In the vlog, I mention running with my amphipod. In the pic below you can see my hydration pack and below that is the amphipod 20 ounce bottle that is filled with Nuun electrolyte.

pic taken just after 18 miler

Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday Post- Exhausted

I'm six weeks in to training for this ultra and I'm beginning to get tired and exhausted. I've missed three weeks or better of getting on the bike so I've only been running. Yesterday's six mile run would typically be very easy but I made the mistake of going out hungry thinking that I would knock a quick six out and get back home for dinner. At mile three, I could only think of what a t-bone steak would taste like. I wanted to walk some coming back in but thankfully I had a friend come up on a bike and that kept me motivated to continue running and get it done. After finishing, I ate two dinners. I was starving! Then I took in 32 ounces of electrolytes and stretched out on the floor because my legs were burning.

The problem is I've not done any carb-loading or tried to eat any more than normal through this training. I've now decided to make sure I get my 64 ounces of water a day, carb-load the week of my long runs, and never run before I've had plenty to eat. I weighed myself yesterday morning and I was down to 192. I didn't set out to lose weight but am down 10 pounds since starting.

Tomorrow will be a big test with my longest run yet of eighteen miles. I'm praying my calves and ankles hold up. I'm still enjoying the benefits of running with my fitness and weight loss and luckily haven't started questioning myself on why I'm doing this.

Monday, May 14, 2012

NFC Training Update #6

Blah, blah, blah. Boring week as far as training goes. I missed last Sunday's run due to rain and I missed yesterdays run due to rain/mothers day/had to watch a chick flick with my wife type of Sunday.

No change in weight. I've settled in right at 195.

It was a 23 mile week that included an easy 10 miler (10.6) on Saturday at a 9:32 pace. It felt slower than that to me but these ten milers are easier and easier to run. I've got a tough 18 miler coming up this Saturday.

I ordered a hydration belt that has a single 20 ounce bottle that is supposed to be great for staying put and not bouncing around. I'm going to carry this for the purpose of having an electrolyte drink. This should help me get through the long runs without cramping due to loss of water. Despite the fact I drink two liters of water over 16 miles, I get cramps because I believe I'm losing it faster than I'm replacing it.

With any luck, I'll drink the electrolyte from this over the run and be able to find somewhere to refill it and add another nuun tablet to it for the remainder of the run.

Monday, May 7, 2012

NFC Training Update #5

No video post today. I'm exhausted from the weekend and am already through a half of a pot of coffee. Also, the day started with a dead battery.

My weight is relatively the same though I reserve the right to update tomorrow. The training schedule is slowly but surely ramping up and the high mileage is taking a physical toll. Including the 8 mile run from last Sunday, I closed out the week with 33 miles. It would have been higher but we had some severe weather yesterday.

The week was rather basic and uneventful. I did a 4 mile run Thursday instead of riding my road bike due to a scheduling conflict at home. I will probably be back on the bike this week. My big Saturday run was 16 miles. That was officially the furthest I had ever run.

Friday evening after carb-loading at Blackbeards, I went by and picked up a clip-on pepper spray cartridge and a clip-on knife for my hydration vest. My long run on Saturday went down a dirt road that I had never been on and wasn't sure if I would encounter any pit bull farms. Also, I received my Road ID in the mail. I got the basic wrist band with my ICE contacts and numbers.

I got up at 5:45 on Saturday morning and ate my typical PB&J sandwich and filled my hydration vest with 2 liters of water. I also had extra Clif Shot Bloks for energy and a Clif Bar so I can start eating while I run. I left the house at 6:40am with my red flashing light attached to my vest. I added the light at the last minute due to the fog and the attention deficit that most drivers have. Once again, I went out faster than intended and turned at mile 5 faster than I previously did on my 12 mile run that takes the same route. I was about 4 minutes faster at that turn and I knew I was going too fast. I needed to be at the same time or up to 4 minutes slower. I felt that mistake in the last 3 miles of the 16 mile run. I made myself walk 2 hills in the first two-thirds of the run and I walked the last big hill of the run because my ankles, knees, and hips asked me to. I finished relatively strong but with an empty hydration vest. I ran the last mile or so without water when I really needed it.

What I learned from that run- I have to figure out a way to carry a bottle or two filled with electrolytes. I started getting calf cramps towards the end and I think electrolytes would have prevented that. Since I sweat heavily and drank 2 liters of water and still started cramping up, then my next step is to carry a bottle with Nuun in it to see if that will correct the issue.

I was useless for a few hours after getting home. I ate a great breakfast of eggs, sausage, and biscuits made by my lovely wife and then had coffee and water while laying in the recliner. Thanks to my wife and kids going to a birthday party shortly after I got home, I had an ideal recovery. I ended up taking some Sports Legs supplement and wearing my calf sleeves for 4 hours while laying in the chair watching television.

Next Saturday I get a break with a 10 mile run though the mid-week mileage will get a little higher.